Acarinhar conducts training and capacity building of families of children and young people with cerebral palsy

The Association of Families and Friends of Children with Cerebral Palsy (Acarinhar) promoted, Wednesday, a training and capacity building of families of children and young people with cerebral palsy and community volunteers.

According to Teresa Mascarenhas, president of Acarinhar, the training goal is to empower families emotionally and also in terms of care, because “it is the family taking care of children day after day and there is a need to empower them in order to get a better intervention”, she said. “Acarinhar, throughout its existence, has always been concerned about the situation of families and also employees,” she stated.

According to the same source, given that cerebral palsy is a “complex deficiency in which each child is a child and each case is a case” there is a need to train technicians and families.

In her perspective, mothers often face difficulty positioning the children even to dress them, revealing that there was a case of a child who had a fractured arm at the time she was being dressed.

Source: Inforpress