30 years of the Constitution: President of the Republic mantains that emigration should not happen for lack of opportunities

The Head of State, José Maria Neves, maintained on Tuesday, during his speech at the solemn session commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Cape Verde, that emigration should not happen for lack of opportunities.


Also in his speech, the President of the Republic called for “profound changes”, claiming that “it is urgent to comply with the Constitution” in various rights, such as the establishment of the national language.


“Clearly we are not complying with the Constitution regarding to Cabo Verdean language. It is the backbone of our national identity, it is the link of unity in our transterritorial Cabo Verde, it enjoys an indementable and growing strength in society, in the oral world, it is evident, and increasingly, in writing, it lives and is reborn every morning in our cultural manifestations, from music to the performing arts, yet we persist, but we persist, as public authorities, by action or omission, in this affront to the linguistic rights of this Creole nation which, in fact, gave creoleity to the world. Something’s not right, let’s face it. Something needs to be fixed,” he noted.


José Maria Neves said that over these almost 50 years of independence, it was reasonably well done what there was to do, but we cannot continue to do things in the “very same” way.


Source: Inforpress


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